One In 10 Five-Year-Olds Has A Mobile Phone

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013 | 10.18

Nearly one in 10 children has a mobile phone by the time they are five-years-old, according to a new study.

On average, youngsters are bought their first handset at the age of 11, soon after starting secondary school.

However, some 9% of parents said they bought their children a phone when they were five.

The study by comparison site also found that mums and dads spend an average £125 on their children's gadgets - and around £246 on their own mobiles.

But despite the cost, 42% said they did not pay close attention to their children's phone bills.

Only a quarter capped their youngster's contracts, while just 3% said they disabled the data function on their phones so that they could only be used for making calls or sending text messages.

Children spend an average £11 per month on their mobiles - less than parents who spend £19.

However, more than one in 10 (11%) of youngsters spends more than their mother or father, the research showed.

The study - of 1,420 parents with children aged under 16 - also revealed that parents were likely to spend more money on their first-born's phone and bills than on those of any younger siblings.

Ernest Doku, a telecoms expert at, said: "As well as arming kids with mobiles for emergencies and peace of mind, I'd imagine that many parents have bought their kids smartphones just to stop them commandeering their own when bored."

He suggested parents cap their children's mobile bills, adding: "Make sure that when they're at home, your kids are browsing the web using wi-fi instead of consuming data by connecting to the internet via 3G or 4G."

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